Imagine with me for a moment if God impressed upon you to 'expand your reach.' That we go outside of the box that many of us have truly constrained ourselves in, because it's a familiar and comfortable place for us.
Honestly it's a familiar and comfortable place for us; because it's in our own power that we are operating and feel as though we can accomplish these things. The reality is, we've made the journey about us . It was never designed to be about us. As a matter of fact, I believe that we can learn this lesson well through the encounter of the disciples and Jesus feeding the five-thousand.
The story of the feeding of the five-thousand is found in all of the gospels (Matt. 14:13-21 , Mark 6:31-44, Luke 9:12-17, John 6:1-14) and has many different things in which it can teach us. We can learn that though we're often times the ones most in need of rest; God never wants us to stop serving those whom we have come in contact with. Also it teaches us that while the plan and concern that we have for others can be well intended; we ought to always listen for and be obedient to the voice of God, by way of the Holy Spirit. But I think one of the greatest lessons we can learn from this story is that we ought not to become so focused on what we can do, in our own power, but what God is truly seeking to do through us.
I like what was stated in John's account of this story in chapter 6 verse 6 when he stated, "But this He said to test him, for He Himself knew what He would do." (NKJV) You and I, along with the disciples, have to learn the lesson that it's not about what we can do, but what God is seeking to do through us.
Jesus used the disciples and what they had to bless the people and to provide for the need they had in that moment, because as the scripture said He already knew what He would do. Therefore, the only responsibility we have is to be obedient to what He's told us to do and let Him be concerned about the outcome. God wants to work through us, by way of the Holy Spirit, in order that people might come into a greater relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.
That's what this new journey is all about that we've entitled 'Expand Your Reach'. You will read the writings from various ministers of His Way, as well as others that we fellowship with, in hopes that you will be encouraged, inspired and challenged through these devotional blogs.
It is our prayer that you will join us and share it with others, as we seek to go beyond the comfortable place and in to a greater relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Are you ready to 'Expand Your Reach?'
Be Blessed
Anthony J. Hampton