Doing Things God's Way

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Welcome to His Way Ministries of Little Rock Arkansas website

We are pleased that you chose to visit this site and hope that you will get an idea of who we are. We're just people who have fallen in love with Jesus Christ and have a desire to show His love to all people. We invite you to check out our YouTube channel and like us on Facebook by choosing the Get Connected icon. We also invite you to browse and see what our Evangelistic/Outreach team, Youth Church and Prayer Ministry are all about. Check out our Calendar for upcoming events and hopefully you will decide to contact us or even visit us.

But remember if you never meet us, you've missed nothing, but if you never meet Jesus, you've missed EVERYTHING! Be Blessed.

Pastor Louis & Sis. Diane Hill

Contact Pastor Hill at:



Sunday Morning Service 

         10:30 AM

Tuesday Night Prayer

          6:30 PM

Tuesday Night Bible Study

          7:00 PM


6724 West 32nd Street, Little Rock, 72204


Visitors information /
what to expect

What to Expect

No matter what…you are loved.  God Loves you and we do too!

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Our Ministries

Our Ministries

In Ephesians chapter 4, Apostle Paul tells us that Christ gave gifts to men for the sole purpose of



Preaching the uncomprising Word of God is paramount at His Way

Church News & Announcements

Come and Worship With Us

Sunday Morning ServiceRead More

A Word from the Pastor

Greetings in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. I am grateful that you have taken the time to read this short and, hopefully, encouraging message. In this time, people have lost their sense of priority. Their physical, materialistic needs tend to dictate a person's priorities in life. This condition will change in time and something else will take priority. Here's an example, I need food, but as soon as I get food, then I need clothing or something I think I need now. You see how our priority will change. Jesus tells us to be Kingdom minded. He says to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these other things will be added to us as we are seeking to walk in Kingdom principles (Matthew 6:33).Read More

Expand Your Reach

Imagine with me for a moment if God impressed upon you to 'expand your reach.' That we go outside of the box that many of us have truly constrained ourselves in, because it's a familiar and comfortable place for us.  Honestly it's a familiar and comfortable place for us; because it's in our own power that we are operating and feel as though we can accomplish these things. The reality is, we've made the journey about us .  It was never designed to be about us. As a matter of fact, I believe that we can learn this lesson well through the encounter of the disciples and Jesus feeding the five-thousand.Read More

Upcoming Events


Tuesday Bible Study

Our Bible Study is geared toward teaching us how to be Kingdom builders and how to live in the Word of God. Read more


Corporate Prayer

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Sunday Worship Service

We offer Children and Toddler Church during our Morning worship service. The word of God is taught in simplicity and we love giving praises to Almighty God. Read more